Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

Race Relations and Law Enforcement

February 20, 2015

From here:

By Jason L. Riley

Editorial Board Member, Wall Street Journal


Jason L. Riley is an editorial board member and a senior editorial page writer at the Wall Street Journal, where he writes on politics, economics, education, immigration, and race. He is also a FOX News contributor and appears regularly on Special Report with Bret Baier. Previously, he worked for USA Today and the Buffalo News. He earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He is the author of Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed.

The following is adapted from a speech delivered on January 30, 2015, at Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C., as part of the AWC Family Foundation Lecture Series.

Thomas Sowell once said that some books you write for pleasure, and others you write out of a sense of duty, because there are things to be said—and other people have better sense than to say them. My new book, Please Stop Helping Us, falls into that latter category. When I started out as a journalist 20 years ago, I had no expectation of focusing on race-related topics. People like Sowell and Shelby Steele and Walter Williams and a few other independent black thinkers, to my mind at least, had already said what needed to be said, had been saying it for decades, and had been saying it more eloquently than I ever could. But over the years, and with some prodding from those guys, it occurred to me that not enough younger blacks were following in their footsteps. It also occurred to me that many public policies aimed at the black underclass were just as wrongheaded as ever. The fight wasn’t over. A new generation of black thinkers needed to explain what’s working and what isn’t, and why, to a new generation of readers. And the result is this book, which I hope will help to bring more light than heat to the discussion of race.

The book is not an autobiography or a memoir, but I do tell a few stories about growing up black and male in the inner city. And one of the stories involves a trip back home to Buffalo, New York, where I was born and raised. I was visiting my older sister shortly after I had begun working at the Wall Street Journal, and I was chatting with her daughter, my niece, who was maybe in the second grade at the time. I was asking her about school, her favorite subjects, that sort of thing, when she stopped me and said, “Uncle Jason, why you talk white?” Then she turned to her little friend who was there and said, “Don’t my uncle sound white? Why he tryin’ to sound so smart?”

She was just teasing, of course. I smiled and they enjoyed a little chuckle at my expense. But what she said stayed with me. I couldn’t help thinking: Here were two young black girls, seven or eight years old, already linking speech patterns to race and intelligence. They already had a rather sophisticated awareness that, as blacks, white-sounding speech was not only to be avoided in their own speech but mocked in the speech of others.

I shouldn’t have been too surprised by this, and I wasn’t. My siblings, along with countless other black friends and relatives, teased me the same way when I was growing up. And other black professionals have told similar stories. What I had forgotten is just how early these attitudes take hold—how soon this counterproductive thinking and behavior begins.

New York City has the largest school system in America. Eighty percent of black kids in New York public schools are performing below grade level. And a big part of the problem is a black subculture that rejects attitudes and behaviors that are conducive to academic success. Black kids read half as many books and watch twice as much television as their white counterparts, for example. In other words, a big part of the problem is a culture that produces little black girls and boys who are already worried about acting and sounding white by the time they are in second grade.

Another big part of the problem is a reluctance to speak honestly about these cultural shortcomings. Many whites fear being called racists. And many black leaders have a vested interest in blaming black problems primarily on white racism, so that is the narrative they push regardless of the reality. Racism has become an all-purpose explanation for bad black outcomes, be they social or economic. If you disagree and are white, you’re a bigot. If you disagree and are black, you’re a sell-out.

The shooting death of a young black man by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, last year touched off a national discussion about everything except the aberrant behavior of so many young black men that results in such frequent encounters with police. We talked about racial prejudice, poverty, unemployment, profiling, the tensions between law enforcement and poor black communities, and so forth. Rarely did we hear any discussion of black crime rates.

Homicide is the leading cause of death for young black men in the U.S., and around 90 percent of the perpetrators are also black. Yet for months we’ve had protesters nationwide pretending that our morgues are full of young black men because cops are shooting them. Around 98 percent of black shooting deaths do not involve police. In fact, a cop is six times more likely to be shot by someone black than the opposite. The protestors are pushing a false anti-cop narrative, and everyone from the president on down has played along.

Any candid debate on race and criminal justice in this country would have to start with the fact that blacks commit an astoundingly disproportionate number of crimes. Blacks constitute about 13 percent of the population, yet between 1976 and 2005 they committed more than half of all murders in the U.S. The black arrest rate for most offenses—including robbery, aggravated assault, and property crimes—is typically two to three times their representation in the population. So long as blacks are committing such an outsized amount of crime, young black men will be viewed suspiciously and tensions between police and crime-ridden communities will persist. The U.S. criminal justice system, currently headed by a black attorney general who reports to a black president, is a reflection of this reality, not its cause. If we want to change negative perceptions of young black men, we must change the behavior that is driving those perceptions. But pointing this out has become almost taboo. How can we even begin to address problems if we won’t discuss them honestly?

“High rates of black violence in the late twentieth century are a matter of historical fact, not bigoted imagination,” wrote the late Harvard Law professor William Stuntz. “The trends reached their peak not in the land of Jim Crow but in the more civilized North, and not in the age of segregation but in the decades that saw the rise of civil rights for African Americans—and of African American control of city governments.”

The Left wants to blame these outcomes on racial animus and poverty, but back in the 1940s and ’50s, when racial discrimination was legal and black poverty was much higher than today, the black crime rate was lower. The Left wants to blame these outcomes on “the system,” but blacks have long been part of running that system. Black crime and incarceration rates spiked in the 1970s and ’80s in cities such as Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, and Philadelphia under black mayors and black police chiefs. Some of the most violent cities in the U.S. today are run by blacks.

Some insist that our jails and prisons are teeming with young black men due primarily to racist drug laws, but the reality is that the drug laws are neither racist nor driving the black incarceration rate. It’s worth remembering that the harsher penalties for crack cocaine offenses that were passed in the 1980s were supported by most of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Rep. Charles Rangel of Harlem, who at the time headed the House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control. Crack was destroying black communities and many black political leaders wanted dealers to face longer sentences. In other words, black legislators in Washington led the effort to impose tougher drug laws, a fact often forgotten by critics today.

When these laws passed, even their opponents didn’t claim that they were racist. Those charges came later, as the racially disparate impact of the laws became apparent. What’s been lost in the discussion is whether these laws leave law-abiding blacks better off. Do you make life in the ghetto harder or easier by sending thugs home sooner rather than later? Liberal elites would have us deny what black ghetto residents know to be the truth. These communities aren’t dangerous because of racist cops or judges or sentencing guidelines. They’re dangerous mainly due to black criminals preying on black victims.

Nor is the racial disparity in prison inmates explained by the enforcement of drug laws. Blacks are about 37.5 percent of the population in state prisons, which house nearly 90 percent of the nation’s inmates. Remove drug offenders from that population and the percentage of black prisoners only drops to 37 percent. What drives black incarceration rates are violent offenses, not drug offenses. Blacks commit violent crimes at seven to ten times the rate that whites do. The fact that their victims tend to be of the same race suggests that young black men in the ghetto live in danger of being shot by each other, not cops. Nor is this a function of blacks being picked on by cops who are “over-policing” certain neighborhoods. Research has long shown that the rate at which blacks are arrested is nearly identical to the rate at which crime victims identify blacks as their assailants. The police are in these communities because that’s where the 911 calls originate.

If liberals want to help reverse these crime trends, they would do better to focus less on supposed racial animus and more on ghetto attitudes towards school, work, marriage, and child-rearing. As recently as the early 1960s, two out of three black children were raised in two-parent households. Today, more than 70 percent are not, and the number can reach as high as 80 or 90 percent in our inner cities. For decades, studies have shown that the likelihood of teen pregnancy, drug abuse, dropping out of school and other bad social outcomes increases dramatically when fathers aren’t around. One of the most comprehensive studies ever undertaken in this regard concluded that black boys without a father are 68 percent more likely to be incarcerated than those with a father—that overall, the most critical factor affecting the prospect of young males encountering the criminal justice system is the presence of a father in the home. All other factors, including family income, are much less important.

As political scientist James Q. Wilson said, if crime is to a significant degree caused by weak character, if weak character is more likely among children of unmarried mothers, if there are no fathers who will help raise their children, acquire jobs, and protect their neighborhoods, if boys become young men with no preparation for work, if school achievement is regarded as a sign of having sold out—if all these things are true, then the chances of reducing the crime rate among low income blacks anytime soon is slim.

Many on the Left sincerely want to help the black underclass. The problem is that liberals believe bigger government is the best way to help. But having looked at the track record of government policies aimed at helping the black underclass, I’m skeptical.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson’s commencement speech at Howard University. Johnson had signed the Civil Rights Act a year earlier and would sign the Voting Rights Act two months later. And he used the speech to talk about what the government should do next on behalf of blacks. These two laws marked merely the end of the beginning, he said:

That beginning is freedom; and the barriers to that freedom are tumbling down. Freedom is the right to share, share fully and equally, in American society—to vote, to hold a job, to enter a public place, to go to school. . . . But freedom is not enough. . . . You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, “you are free to compete with all the others,” and still justly believe that you have been completely fair. . . . The next and the more profound stage of the battle for civil rights [is] . . . not just equality as a right and a theory but equality as a fact and equality as a result.

But what if Johnson was mistaken? What if there are limits to what government can do beyond removing barriers to freedom? What if the best that we can hope for from our elected officials are policies that promote equal opportunity? What if public policy makers risk creating more problems and barriers to progress when the goal is equal outcomes?

The civil rights struggles of the mid-20th century exemplified liberalism at its best. The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act outlawed racial discrimination in employment and education and ensured the ability of blacks to register and vote. All Americans can be proud of these accomplishments. But what about the social policy and thinking that arose from the ruins of Jim Crow? Good intentions aside, which efforts have facilitated black advancement, and which efforts have impeded it?

In 1988, right around the 25th anniversary of the Great Society, Harvard sociologist Nathan Glazer published a book called the The Limits of Social Policy. Glazer analyzed Great Society programs from the perspective of someone who believed that government action was the best way to improve the lot of blacks. But his assessment humbled him. He concluded that in many ways, the Great Society programs were causing just as many problems as they were solving—that good intentions aren’t enough.

Unlike Nathan Glazer, many policy makers today are still riding high on good intentions. They don’t seem particularly interested in reconsidering what has been tried, even though 50 years into the war on poverty the result isn’t pretty. While gains have been made, significant racial disparities remain in some areas and black retrogression has occurred in others. The black-white poverty gap has widened over the past decade and the black poverty rate is no longer falling. The black-white disparity in incarceration rates today is larger than it was in 1960. And the black unemployment rate has, on average, been double the white rate for five decades.

Confronted with these statistics, liberals continue to push for more of the same solutions. Last year, President Obama announced yet another federal initiative aimed at helping blacks—an increase in preschool education, even though studies (including those released by his own administration) have shown no significant impacts in education from such programs. He said that he wants to increase reading proficiency and graduation rates for minority students, yet he opposes school voucher programs that are doing both. He continues to call for job-training programs of the sort that study after study has shown to be ineffective.

Fred Siegel, an expert on urban public policy, has written extensively about the liberal flight from evidence and empiricism that began in the 1960s. The Left, wracked by guilt over America’s diabolical treatment of blacks, decided to hold them to different standards of behavior. Blacks, Siegel writes, were invited to enter the larger society on their own terms. Schools, which had helped poor whites, ceased incorporating poor blacks from the South into the mainstream culture. Discipline as a prerequisite for adult success was displaced by the authentic self-expression of the ill-educated. Blacks were not culturally deprived but simply differently-abled—more spontaneous and expressive and so forth. Liberals tried to improve conditions for blacks without passing judgment on antisocial black culture. And this sort of thinking continues to this day. Walter Williams once wrote that he’s glad he grew up in the 1940s and ’50s, before it became fashionable for white people to like black people. He received a more honest assessment of his strengths and weaknesses, he says, than black kids today are likely to receive from white teachers and employers who are more interested in being politically correct.

After George Zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, President Obama explained the black response to the verdict this way. Blacks understand, he said, that some of the violence that takes place in poor black neighborhoods is born out of a very violent past in this country, and that the poverty and dysfunction that we see in those communities can be traced to that history. In other words, Obama was doing exactly what the Left has been conditioning blacks to do since the 1960s, which is to blame black pathology on the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow.

This is a dodge. That legacy is not holding down blacks half as much as the legacy of efforts to help. Underprivileged blacks have become playthings for intellectuals and politicians who care more about revelling in their good intentions or winning votes than advocating behaviors and attitudes that have allowed other groups to get ahead. Meanwhile, the civil rights movement has become an industry that does little more than monetize white guilt. Martin Luther King and his contemporaries demanded black self-improvement despite the abundant and overt racism of their day. King’s self-styled successors, living in an era when public policy bends over backwards to accommodate blacks, insist that blacks cannot be held responsible for their plight so long as someone, somewhere in white America, is still prejudiced.

The more fundamental problem with these well-meaning liberal efforts is that they have succeeded, tragically, in convincing blacks to see themselves first and foremost as victims. Today there is no greater impediment to black advancement than the self-pitying mindset that permeates black culture. White liberals think they are helping blacks by romanticizing bad behavior. And black liberals are all too happy to hustle guilty whites.

Blacks ultimately must help themselves. They must develop the same attitudes and behaviors and habits that other groups had to develop to rise in America. And to the extent that a social policy, however well-intentioned, interferes with this self-development, it does more harm than good.

This concept of self-help and self-development is something that black leaders once understood quite well, and at a time when blacks faced infinitely more obstacles than they face today. Asked by whites in 1865 what to do for freed blacks, Frederick Douglass responded: “I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! . . . If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength . . . let them fall! . . . And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs!” Douglass was essentially saying, give blacks equal opportunity and then leave them alone.

Booker T. Washington, another late 19th century black leader who had been born a slave, once said that it is important and right that all privileges of the law be granted to blacks, but it is vastly more important that they be prepared for the exercise of these privileges.

Douglass and Washington didn’t play down the need for the government to secure equal rights for blacks, and both were optimistic that blacks would get equal rights eventually, although neither man lived to see that day. But both men also understood the limits of government benevolence. Blacks would have to ready themselves to meet the challenge of being in a position to take advantage of opportunities once equal rights had been secured. The history of 1960s liberal social policies is largely a history of ignoring this wisdom.


    Pope says Copts in Libya were murdered “for sole reason of being Christian,” blames arms traffickers

    February 19, 2015

    From Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch:


    Maybe Pope Francis said something about the people who actually did kill these Christians, and why they did it, in some other part of his homily that isn’t reported here, but I couldn’t find any such reference in any news account. The jihad murderers who murdered these Christians declared: “And we will conquer Rome by Allah’s permission, the promise of our prophet, peace be upon him.”

    In response, the Pope decries the evil in the heart of man, which is unarguably the root cause of all this, and apparently says nothing about Islamic jihadists or the doctrines of jihad that gave rise to these murders, but instead excoriates…arms traffickers. So apparently if we just had more restrictions on the sale of weaponry, there would be no jihad — since after all, as the Pope has explained, “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.” A little gun control, and all will be well.

    The idolatry of the papacy that afflicts the contemporary Roman Catholic Church has made these fatuous delusions into semi-official church policy. Then liberal bishops who don’t care about the Pope go along with the liberal zeitgeist, because that’s their true religion. Bishops in the United States routinely obfuscate and deny the root causes of Muslim persecution of Christians, and work to prevent any honest discussion of these issues in their churches and church organizations. They are abdicating their responsibility to tell the truth, make their people aware of what is happening, and prepare them for what is coming. Catholic publications (such as the hopeless Aleteia) tag along, spreading the fog of falsehood and deception and secure that in doing so, they’re obeying the Holy Father.

    Another problem here is the prevailing tendency within the Church to confuse charity with niceness. Far too many people think they’re being charitable when they’re ignoring or glossing over unpleasant truths. But in reality it is never charitable, or worthwhile in any way, to deny the truth. Looking around at all the strictly enforced head-in-the-sand action, one could reasonably get the impression that “Islam is a Religion of Peace” is a new dogma of the Catholic Church, to be believed upon pain of excommunication. (As for me, as their old friend Martin L. once said, “Here I stand. I can do no other.”) This cult of flaccid niceness and denial is leading to a persecution of the Church on a scale never seen before, as Christians who were kept in ignorance and complacency by their leaders are led to the slaughter.

    What if Islamic State jihadis do enter Rome and the Vatican? Is that so far-fetched, given that they’re in Libya now? And if they enter the Pope’s apartments, will he explain to them how they are misunderstanding Islam as they are leading him away to be beheaded?

    “Pope celebrates Mass for the 21 Copts killed in Libya, ‘for sole reason of being Christian,’” Asia News, February 17, 2015 (thanks to C. Cantoni):

    Vatican City (AsiaNews) – “We offer this Mass for our 21 Coptic brothers, whose throats were slit for the sole reason of being Christian”. This is how Pope Francis began his homily at Mass this morning at Casa Santa Marta.

    “Let us pray – he continued – for them; that the Lord welcome them as martyrs, for their families, for my brother Tawadros, who is suffering greatly.” A thought, the latter, which already yesterday afternoon had pushed Francis to call the patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Tawadros II, to express its deep sympathy for the pain of the Coptic Church for this barbaric murder.

    Continuing his reflection, the Pope returned to condemn the arms trade, “of death”. Francis was inspired by the biblical passage on the Great Flood to say that “man is capable of destroying all that God has done.” The Pope noted with regret that man, “seems to be more powerful than God”, because he is capable of destroying the good things that God has made.

    Pope Francis pointed out that in the first chapters of the Bible we find many examples – Sodom and Gomorrah, the Tower of Babel – in which man reveals his wickedness. “An evil that lurks in the depths of the heart”.

    The Pope noted some people would urge him not to be so negative, but – he continued – “this is the truth. We are also capable of destroying fraternity: Cain and Abel in the first pages of the Bible. They destroy fraternity. This is where wars begin. Jealousy, envy, so much greed for power, to have more power. Yes, this sounds negative, but it is realistic. You only have to pick up a newspaper, any newspaper – left-wing, center, right-ring … whatever. And you will see that more than 90% of the news is news of destruction. More than 90%. We see this every day”.

    Pope Francis then asked the question: “What is happening in man’s heart?”. He said Jesus reminds us that “from within, out of the heart of man, comes evil.” Our “weak heart is wounded”. He observed that man always “desires autonomy”: “I do what I want and if I want to do something, I will! So, if I want to make war, I will!

    “Why are we like this? Because we are capable of destruction, that’s the problem. There are wars, arms trafficking … ‘But, we are businessmen!’ Yes, but of what? Of death? And there are countries that sell weapons, are at war with one side but also selling weapons to them, so that the war continues. A capacity for destruction. It’s not coming from our neighbors: it’s coming from us! ‘Every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually’. Everyone has this seed within, this possibility, but we also have the Holy Spirit who saves us! We must choose, in the little things”.

    Pope Francis went on to warn against using gossip or slander against our neighbor: “Even in parishes and associations”, “jealousy” and “envy” can push people to go to their pastor to speak ill of others. He warned: “This is evil and we all have this ability to destroy”. As Lent begins, the Church “invites us to reflect on this”. Pointing to today’s Gospel where Jesus rebukes the disciples who are arguing among themselves about having forgotten to bring bread. The Lord tells them to “watch out, guard against the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod”. He gives the example of two people: Herod who “is bad, a murderer, and the Pharisees who are hypocrites.” In doing so, Jesus reminds them of when he broke the five loaves and urges them to think of the Salvation, of what God has done for all of us. Pope Francis went on to note that “they did not understand, because their hearts were hardened by this passion, by this evil need to argue among each other and see who was guilty of having forgotten the bread”.

    Pope Francis said we have to take the Lord’s message “seriously”. “There is nothing strange in this, these are not the words of a Martian”, “man is able to do so much good”, he continued citing the example of Mother Teresa, “a woman of our time”. All of us, he said, “are capable of doing good, but we are also all capable of destruction; destruction great and small and even within our own family. [We are capable of destroying] our children”, not allowing them to grow “in freedom, not helping them to mature; cancelling out our children”. We are capable of this and this means that we need to constantly “meditate, pray, discuss things with each other, so as not to fall into this evil that destroys everything”:

    “And we have the strength, Jesus reminds us. Remember. He says to us today: ‘Remember. Remember Me, I shed my blood for you; remember Me, I have saved you, I have saved you all; Remember Me, I have the strength to accompany you on the journey of life, not on the path of evil, but on the path of goodness, of doing good to others; not the path of destruction, but the path that builds: builds a family, builds a city, builds a culture, builds a home and much, much more”.

    The Pope concluded: “We ask the Lord, today, before the beginning of Lent for this grace: to always choose the right path with his help and not be misled by temptations down the wrong path.”

    In related news:

    papal protection

    papal protection

    The current Poope is not only an Idolatrous cretin, but also a muslim-enabling criminal himself.

    Islam can be easily studied and known in its entirety, by anyone. It will never change!

    So, when Western people won’t educate them *selves* about islam because our culture defers all thinking to those “authorities” we PAY to do our thinking and research for us, while they secretly know full-well that the salesmen in charge will always sell us all out, they ARE CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT INFANTILE DELINQUENT TRAITORS TO RATIONALITY AND CIVILIZATION!

    It should never be allowed by backwards people to be considered “illegal” to accuse these criminals (muslims) of their crimes, allegedly because the painful truth might offend them or hurt their feelings, and so “make” them commit even more crimes!

    No problem was ever solved by ignoring it, and nobody is doing even these muslims any favours, by indulging their historic lies that islam is a “religion” (at all, much less one “of peace”) or a “race” (much less one of poor oppressed “People Of Colour”)!

    Pretending there is NOT a Muslim problem but only a white racist problem accepting diversity, is criminally negligent TREASON.


    “What if Islamic State jihadis do enter Rome and the Vatican? Is that so far-fetched, given that they’re in Libya now? And if they enter the Pope’s apartments, will he explain to them how they are misunderstanding Islam as they are leading him away to be beheaded?”


    Scary Evolving Police-State Spy Tech

    February 17, 2015

    Of course, NONE of this stuff is necessary to stop the real threat (the muslims).

    Simply identifying the muslims as the real threat would be enough stop them all right in their tracks.

    So the obvious reason this isn’t being done, is because the banksters’ nascent corporate global world government dictatorship sees the real threat – not as the muslims, but as US.


    Creepy, Calculating and Controlling:

    All the Ways Big Brother Is Watching You

    By John W. Whitehead
    February 16, 2015

    “You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”—George Orwell, 1984

    None of us are perfect. All of us bend the rules occasionally. Even before the age of overcriminalization, when the most upstanding citizen could be counted on to break at least three laws a day without knowing it, most of us have knowingly flouted the law from time to time.

    Indeed, there was a time when most Americans thought nothing of driving a few miles over the speed limit, pausing (rather than coming to a full stop) at a red light when making a right-hand turn if no one was around, jaywalking across the street, and letting their kid play hookie from school once in a while. Of course, that was before the era of speed cameras that ticket you for going even a mile over the posted limit, red light cameras that fine you for making safe “rolling stop” right-hand turns on red, surveillance cameras equipped with facial recognition software mounted on street corners, and school truancy laws that fine parents for “unexcused” absences.

    My, how times have changed.

    Today, there’s little room for indiscretions, imperfections, or acts of independence—especially not when the government can listen in on your phone calls, monitor your driving habits, track your movements, scrutinize your purchases and peer through the walls of your home. That’s because technology—specifically the technology employed by the government against the American citizenry—has upped the stakes dramatically so that there’s little we do that is not known by the government.

    In such an environment, you’re either a paragon of virtue, or you’re a criminal.

    If you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re all criminals. This is the creepy, calculating yet diabolical genius of the American police state: the very technology we hailed as revolutionary and liberating has become our prison, jailer, probation officer, Big Brother and Father Knows Best all rolled into one.

    Consider that on any given day, the average American going about his daily business will be monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways, by both government and corporate eyes and ears. A byproduct of this new age in which we live, whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency, whether the NSA or some other entity, is listening in and tracking your behavior. As I point out in my book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, this doesn’t even begin to touch on the corporate trackers that monitor your purchases, web browsing, Facebook posts and other activities taking place in the cyber sphere.

    For example, police have been using Stingray devices mounted on their cruisers to intercept cell phone calls and text messages without court-issued search warrants. Thwarting efforts to learn how and when these devices are being used against an unsuspecting populace, the FBI is insisting that any inquiries about the use of the technology be routed to the agency“in order to allow sufficient time for the FBI to intervene to protect the equipment/technology and information from disclosure and potential compromise.”

    Doppler radar devices, which can detect human breathing and movement within in a home, are already being employed by the police to deliver arrest warrants and are being challenged in court. One case in particular, United States v Denson, examines how the Fourth Amendment interacts with the government’s use of radar technology to peer inside a suspect’s home. As Judge Neil Gorsuch recognizes in the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeal’s ruling in the case, “New technologies bring with them not only new opportunities for law enforcement to catch criminals but also new risks for abuse and new ways to invade constitutional rights.”

    License plate readers, yet another law enforcement spying device made possible through funding by the Department of Homeland Security, can record up to 1800 license plates per minute. However, it seems these surveillance cameras can also photograph those inside a moving car. Recent reports indicate that the Drug Enforcement Administration has been using the cameras in conjunction with facial recognition software to build a “vehicle surveillance database” of the nation’s cars, drivers and passengers.

    Sidewalk and “public space” cameras, sold to gullible communities as a sure-fire means of fighting crime, is yet another DHS program that is blanketing small and large towns alike with government-funded and monitoredsurveillance cameras. It’s all part of a public-private partnership that gives government officials access to all manner of surveillance cameras, on sidewalks, on buildings, on buses, even those installed on private property.

    Couple these surveillance cameras with facial recognition and behavior-sensing technology and you have the makings of pre-crime” cameras, which scan your mannerisms, compare you to pre-set parameters for “normal” behavior, and alert the police if you trigger any computerized alarms as being “suspicious.”

    Capitalizing on a series of notorious abductions of college-aged students, several states are pushing to expand their biometric and DNA databases by requiring that anyone accused of a misdemeanor have their DNA collected and catalogued. However, technology is already available that allows the government to collect biometrics such as fingerprints from a distance, without a person’s cooperation or knowledge. One system can actually scan and identify a fingerprint from nearly 20 feet away.

    Radar guns have long been the speed cop’s best friend, allowing him to hide out by the side of the road, identify speeding cars, and then radio ahead to a police car, which does the dirty work of pulling the driver over and issuing a ticket. Never mind that what this cop is really doing is using an electronic device to search your car without a search warrant, violating the Fourth Amendment and probable cause. Yet because it’s a cash cow for police and the governments they report to, it’s a practice that is not only allowed but encouraged. Indeed, developers are hard at work on a radar gun that can actually show if you or someone in your car is texting. No word yet on whether the technology will also be able to detect the contents of that text message.

    It’s a sure bet that anything the government welcomes (and funds) too enthusiastically is bound to be a Trojan horse full of nasty surprises. Case in point: police body cameras. Hailed as the easy fix solution to police abuses, these body cameras—made possible byfunding from the Department of Justice—will turn police officers into roving surveillance cameras. Of course, if you try to request access to that footage, you’ll find yourself being led a merry and costly chasethrough miles of red tape, bureaucratic footmen and unhelpful courts.

    The “internet of things” refers to the growing number of “smart” appliances and electronic devices now connected to the internet and capable of interacting with each other and being controlled remotely. These range from thermostats and coffee makers to cars and TVs. Of course, there’s a price to pay for such easy control and access. That price amounts to relinquishing ultimate control of and access to your home to the government and its corporate partners. For example, whileSamsung’s Smart TVs are capable of “listening” to what you say, thereby allow users to control the TV using voice commands, it also records everything you say and relays it to a third party.

    Then again, the government doesn’t really need to spy on you using your smart TV when the FBI can remotely activate the microphone on your cellphone and record your conversations. The FBI can also do the same thing to laptop computers without the owner knowing any better.

    Government surveillance of social media such as Twitter and Facebook is on the rise. Americans have become so accustomed to the government overstepping its limits that most don’t even seem all that bothered anymore about the fact that the government is spying on our emails and listening in on our phone calls.

    Drones, which will begin to take to the skies en masse this year, will be the converging point for all of the weapons and technology already available to law enforcement agencies. This means drones that can listen in on your phone calls, see through the walls of your home, scan your biometrics, photograph you and track your movements, and even corral you with sophisticated weaponry.

    And then there’s the Internet and cell phone kill switch, which enables the government to shut down Internet and cell phone communications without Americans being given any warning. It’s a practice that has been used before in the U.S., albeit in a limited fashion. In 2005, cell service was disabled in four major New York tunnels (reportedly to avert potential bomb detonations via cell phone). In 2009, those attending President Obama’s inauguration had their cell signals blocked (again, same rationale). And in 2011, San Francisco commuters had their cell phone signals shut down (this time, to thwart any possible protests over a police shooting of a homeless man).

    It’s a given that the government’s tactics are always more advanced than we know, so there’s no knowing what new technologies are already being deployed against without our knowledge. Certainly, by the time we learn about a particular method of surveillance or new technological gadget, it’s a sure bet that the government has been using it covertly for years already. And if other governments are using a particular technology, you can bet that our government used it first. For instance, back in 2011, it was reported that the government of Tunisia was not only monitoring the emails of its citizens but was actually altering the contents of those emails in order to thwart dissidents. How much do you want to bet that government agents have already employed such tactics in the U.S.?

    Apart from the obvious dangers posed by a government that feels justified and empowered to spy on its people and use its ever-expanding arsenal of weapons and technology to monitor and control them, we’re approaching a time in which we will be forced to choose between obeying the dictates of the government—i.e., the law, or whatever a government officials deems the law to be—and maintaining our individuality, integrity and independence.

    When people talk about privacy, they mistakenly assume it protects only that which is hidden behind a wall or under one’s clothing. The courts have fostered this misunderstanding with their constantly shifting delineation of what constitutes an “expectation of privacy.” And technology has furthered muddied the waters.

    However, privacy is so much more than what you do or say behind locked doors. It is a way of living one’s life firm in the belief that you are the master of your life, and barring any immediate danger to another person (which is far different from the carefully crafted threats to national security the government uses to justify its actions), it’s no one’s business what you read, what you say, where you go, whom you spend your time with, and how you spend your money.

    Unfortunately, privacy as we once knew it is dead.

    We now find ourselves in the unenviable position of being monitored, managed and controlled by our technology, which answers not to us but to our government and corporate rulers. This is the fact-is-stranger-than-fiction lesson that is being pounded into us on a daily basis.

    Thus, to be an individual today, to not conform, to have even a shred of privacy, and to live beyond the reach of the government’s roaming eyes and technological spies, one must not only be a rebel but rebel.

    Even when you rebel and take your stand, there is rarely a happy ending awaiting you. You are rendered an outlaw. This is the message in almost every dystopian work of fiction, from classic writers such as George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Philip K. Dick and Ray Bradbury to more contemporary voices such as Margaret Atwood, Lois Lowry and Suzanne Collins.

    How do you survive in the American police state?

    We’re running out of options. As Philip K. Dick, the visionary who gave us Minority Report and Blade Runner, advised:

    “If, as it seems, we are in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.”

    WC: 2099

    This commentary is also
    available at

    Netherlands Mayor Tells Jihadis to Fuck Off

    February 13, 2015

    Dutch mayor slams Muslims who refuse to integrate


    In the wake of the Paris bloodshed, Rotterdam’s mayor had harsh words for Muslims who live in the West but fail to adopt Western values. “If you don’t like freedom, for heaven’s sake pack your bags and leave,” he declared during a TV appearance. “If you do not like it here because some humorists you don’t like are making a newspaper, may I then say you can fuck off. … Vanish from the Netherlands if you cannot find your place here.” A member of Geert Wilders’ party? No, the mayor is Ahmed Aboutaleb, a Labour politician and a Muslim. He later repeated his comments at a mosque service.

    Aboutaleb is new to international headlines, but he has been pushing such themes for years. “If you think this society is depraved, then go,” he said last fall, addressing those who seek to join the Syrian jihad. “Hand over your passport and risk getting bombed.” As for what drives these individuals, he rejected the stale socioeconomic excuses and correctly zeroed in on “the idea of living in a country where the word of God rules.” Equally noteworthy, while Washington was busy blaming the Muhammad-ridiculing Innocence of Muslims video for the Benghazi disaster, Aboutaleb urged Muslims to “try and see the funny side. … You can always make your own film on YouTube as a response.” Keep at it, Mr. Mayor. Your voice is needed.

    Leftist Gangsters HAVE ALWAYS Supported Islam

    February 13, 2015

    From here:

    The Left and Islam Apologetics

    By Stephen Schwartz

    Originally published under the title, “Famous Communists and Islam.”

    Leftist sympathy for despotic Islamic forces challenging the West dates back to Papa Bear.

    For some time, an argument has been made that the liberal left, in refusing to examine the problems of Islam, has betrayed its Enlightenment roots. That is, while secular, feminist, and protective of free speech in dealing with its Western peers, the liberal left has been accused of abandoning its heritage in its quest for political correctness regarding Muslims.

    In truth, however, the left has a distinguished background of courting Islam as a weapon against Western capitalism. Its most representative figures from the past did so frankly, as the following rehearsal of their statements demonstrates.

    Karl Marx supported the Ottoman empire, then accused of atrocities against Christians and non-Turkish Muslims. In 1853, as the Crimean War pitting Russia against Turkey began, Marx wrote,

    It is not to be denied that Turkey, the weak state, has shown more true courage, as well as more wise statesmanship, than either of her powerful allies [Britain and France] . . . we may justly attribute the delays and hesitation shown in the manoeuvres of Omer Pasha [Latas] to the paralyzing and temporizing influence of Lord Redcliffe and M. [Edmond] de la Cour, [British and French ambassadors to Turkey] over the Divan [the Ottoman court]. At the moment when [Omer Pasha Latas] was opening the campaign, they procured orders to be sent to him to delay the beginning of hostilities. . . . If there be a general war, it will not be the fault of Turkey, but next to Russia, of France and England. They might have prevented it infallibly, but they did not.

    Omer Pasha Latas was a brutal and corrupt Ottoman functionary hated especially by Balkan Muslims.

    Thus was a pattern established: defend Muslim autocrats, blame the West.

    Lenin was so excited by the defeat of Russia by Japan in 1904, the failed Russian revolution of 1905, the 1906 constitutional revolution in Persia, and the 1908 Young Turk revolution in the Ottoman empire, that he wrote,

    In Persia, Russian counter revolution played and continues to play what amounts to a decisive role, while in Turkey the revolution was at once confronted with a counter-revolutionary coalition of the powers, Russia at their head. True, the general tone of the European press and of the diplomatic statements would appear to contradict this. If we are to believe these statements and the semi-official press, there is universal ‘sympathy’ with regenerated Turkey, a universal desire to see her constitutional regime strengthened and developed, general praise for the ‘moderation’ of the bourgeois Young Turks. All these fine words, however, are typical of the base bourgeois hypocrisy of Europe’s ‘present-day’ reactionary governments and present-day reactionary bourgeoisie.

    Once again: Muslims as manipulated victims, the West at fault, and repudiation of Western sympathy for modernization of Muslim societies.

    After the Bolshevik Revolution, Muslims under Russian rule were granted a special status. The Communist International held the 1920 Baku Congress of Peoples of the East in which Muslim delegates called for struggle against the West with Russian support. There, a Bolshevik intellectual, Karl Radek, declared,

    We appeal, comrades, to the warlike feelings which once inspired the peoples of the East when these peoples, led by their great conquerors, advanced upon Europe. We know, comrades, that our enemies will say that we are appealing to the memory of Genghis Khan and to the memory of the great conquering Caliphs of Islam . . . when the capitalists of Europe say that a new wave of barbarism threatens . . . we answer them: Long live the Red East, which together with the workers of Europe will create a new civilization under the banner of Communism!

    These declarations shouldn’t surprise us. When anti-imperialism is the concept and purpose that defines a movement, it will naturally find allies in radical Islam, which presents itself precisely as a creation of colonial oppression.

    Stephen Schwartz, a fellow at the Middle East Forum, is executive director of theCenter for Islamic Pluralism in Washington, DC.


    February 13, 2015

    Diversity(HT to Sheik Yer’Mami, over at Winds of Jihad)!

    Liberals may secretly know and admit that there is really only one human “race,” albeit many different breeds.

    I know it’s a difficult concept for them to accept, but there’s really only two “cultures” or “creeds” among them all:

    Civilization (where people agree to not attack thereby innocent others first) and Crime (where they pretend they have a false right to do anything they want TO others, as long as they pretend they’re doing it FOR them – for their own good).

    And pretending the different breeds automatically think differently, or are entitled, through tradition (habit) to inherit a crime-creed like islam, is the very definition of that “racism” meme the leftist criminals always slander the civilized people with.


    LIBERAL IDOLATERS DIVIDE THE WORLD INTO TWO IDEAL IDEAS: OPPRESSED minorities, AND majority OPPRESSORS; the oppressed can do no wrong, because their crimes will always be viewed as reactions against oppression (regardless of actual cause and effect) and the oppressors – which includes all Western society – can never do anything right, and their attempts to do so will always be seen as cringing, less than optimal repayments covering their crimes!

    And, although Blacks and Whites are on exact, equal par worldwide, liberal racists will support them as “minorities” here in the West, until, that is, they have succeeded in their obvious plans to import enough non Whites here to supplant us all; but by then, it will be far too late.



    As Nikola Bijeliti put it:

    When our leaders talk about “diversity,” they always mean “fewer White people.”

    When they say “Diversity is our greatest strength,” they mean “White people are our greatest weakness.”
    Diversity means chasing down every last White person.

    Diversity is a codeword for White genocide.
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    Have you ever noticed that all of the “Director of Diversity” positions in colleges and corporations are staffed by black women or some other victim group?

    Apparently white people can’t know anything about diversity.


    Multiculturalism is being promoted in every White country on the earth, and ONLY in White countries.
    The purpose of multiculturalism is to turn every White country into a non-White country. Under international law, that constitutes genocide. Any White person who opposes this is called a racist.
    But White people are now coming to realize two things:
    That multiculturalism is a codeword for White genocide.
    That anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    Jihad Vs Crusades – An Easy Comparison

    February 9, 2015
    1. The Jihad That Lead to the Crusades

      Obama’s remarks about the evil of the Crusades, needs to be factually examined in detail. Here is such a list:
      0355 After removing a Roman temple from the site (possibly the Temple of Aphrodite built by Hadrian), Constantine I has the Church of the Holy Sepulcher constructed in Jerusalem. Built around the excavated hill of the Crucifixion, legend has it that Constantine’s mother Helena discovered the True Cross here.
      0613 – Persians capture Damascus and Antioch.
      0614 – Persians sack Jerusalem. damaging the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the process.
      0633 – Muslims conquer Syria and Iraq.
      0634 – 0644 – Umar (c. 0591 – 0644) reigns as the second caliph.
      0635 – Muslims begin the conquest of Persia and Syria.
      0635 – Arab Muslims capture the city of Damascus from the Byzantines.
      August 20, 0636 – Battle of Yarmuk (also: Yarmuq, Hieromyax): Following the Muslim capture of Damascus and Edessa, Byzantine Emperor Heraclius organizes a large army which manages to take back control of those cities. However, Byzantine commander, Baänes is soundly defeated by Muslim forces under Khalid ibn Walid in a battle in the valley of the Yarmuk River outside Damascus. This leaves all of Syria open to Arab domination.
      0637 – The Arabs occupy the Persian capital of Ctesiphon. By 0651, the entire Persian realm would come under the rule of Islam and continued its westward expansion.
      0637 – Syria is conquered by Muslim forces.
      0637 – Jerusalem falls to invading Muslim forces.
      0638 – Caliph Umar I enters Jerusalem.
      0639 – Muslims conquer Egypt and Persia.
      0641 – Islam spreads into Egypt. The Catholic Archbishop invites Muslims to help free Egypt from Roman oppressors.
      0641 – Under the leadership of Abd-al-Rahman, Muslims conquer southern areas of Azerbaijan, Daghestan, Georgia, and
      0641 – Under the leadership of Amr ibn al-As, Muslims conquer the Byzantine city of Alexandria in Egypt. Amr forbids the looting of the city and proclaims freedom of worship for all. According to some accounts, he also has what was left of the Great Library burned the following year. Al-As creates the first Muslim city in Egypt, al-Fustat, and builds there the first mosque in Egypt.
      0644 – Muslim leader Umar dies and is succeeded by Caliph Uthman, a member of the Umayyad family that had rejected Muhammad’s prophesies. Rallies arise to support Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law, as caliph. Uthman launches invasions to the west into North Africa.
      0649 – Muawiya I, a member of the Umayyad family, leads a raid against Cyprus, sacking the capital Salamis-Constantia after a short siege and pillaging the rest of the island.
      0652 – Sicily is attacked by Muslims coming out of Tunisia (named Ifriqiya by the Muslims, a name later given to the entire continent of Africa).
      0653 – Muawiya I leads a raid against Rhodes, taking the remaining pieces of the Colossus of Rhodes (one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world) and shipping it back to Syria to be sold as scrap metal.
      0654 – Muawiya I conquers Cyprus and stations a large garrison there. The island would remain in Muslim hands until 0966.
      0655 – Battle of the Masts: In one of the only Muslim naval victories in the entire history of Islam, Muslim forces under the command of Uthman bin Affan defeat Byzantine forces under Emperor Constant II. The battle takes place off the coast of Lycia and is an important stage in the decline of Byzantine power.
      0661 – 0680 – Mu’awiya, founder of the Umayyad dynasty, becomes the caliph and moves the capital from Mecca to Damascus.
      0662 – Egypt fell to the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates until 868 CE. A year prior, the Fertile Crescent and Persia yielded to the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, whose rule lasted until 1258 CE and 820 CE, respectively.
      0667 – Sicily is attacked by Muslims coming out of Tunisia.
      0668 – First Siege of Constantinople: This attack lasts off and on for seven years, with the Muslim forces generally spending the winters on the island of Cyzicus, a few miles south of Constantinople, and only sailing against the city during the spring and summer months. The Greeks are able to fend off repeated attacks with a weapon desperately feared by the Arabs: Greek Fire. It burned through ships, shields, and flesh and it could not be put out once it started. Muawiyah has to send emissaries to Byzantine Emperor Constans to beg him to let the survivors return home unimpeded, a request that is granted in exchange for a yearly tribute of 3,000 pieces of gold, fifty slaves, and fifty Arab horses.
      0669 – The Muslim conquest reaches to Morocco in North Africa. The region would be open to the rule of the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates until 800 CE.
      0672 – Muslims under Mauwiya I capture the island of Rhodes.
      0674 – Arab conquest reaches the Indus River.
      August 23, 0676 – Birth of Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) in Herstal, Wallonia, Belgium, as the illegitimate son of Pippin II. Serving as Mayor of the Palace of the kingdom of the Franks, Charles would lead a force of Christians that turn back a Muslim raiding party near Poitiers (or Tours) which, according to many historians, would effectively halt the advance of Islam against Christianity in the West.
      0677 – Muslims send a large fleet against Constantinople in an effort to finally break the city, but they are defeated so badly through the Byzantine use of Greek Fire that they are forced to pay an indemnity to the Emperor.
      0680 – Birth of Leo III the Isaurian, Byzantine Emperor, along the Turkish-Syrian border in the Syrian province of Commagene. Leo’s tactical skills would be responsible for turning back the second Arab Muslim siege of Constantinople in 0717, shortly after he is elected emperor.
      0688 – Emperor Justinian II and Caliph al-Malik sign a peace treaty making Cyprus neutral territory. For the next 300 years, Cyprus is ruled jointly by both the Byzantines and the Arabs despite the continuing warfare between them elsewhere.
      0691 – Birth of Hisham, 10th caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty. It is under Hisham that Muslim forces would make their deepest incursions into Western Europe before being stopped by Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers in 0732.
      0698 – Muslims capture Carthage in North Africa.
      0700 – Muslims from Pamntelleria raid the island of Sicily.
      0711 – With the further conquest of Egypt, Spain and North Africa, Islam included all of the Persian empire and most of the old Roman world under Islamic rule. Muslims began the conquest of Sindh in Afghanistan.
      April 0711 – Tariq ibn Malik, a Berber officer, crosses the strait separating Africa and Europe with a group of Muslims and enters Spain (al-Andalus, as the Muslims called it, a word is etymologically linked to “Vandals”). The first stop in the Muslim conquest of Spain is at the foot of a mountain that comes to be called Jabel Tarik, the Mountain of Tarik. Today it is known as Gibraltar. At one time the Berbers had been Christians but they recently converted in large numbers to Islam after the Arab conquest of North Africa.
      July 19, 0711 – Battle of Guadalete: Tariq ibn Ziyad kills King Rodrigo (or Roderic), Visigoth ruler of Spain, at the Guadalete River in the south of the Iberian peninsula. Tariq ibn Ziyad had landed at Gibraltar with 7,000 Muslims at the invitation of heirs of the late Visigoth King Witica (Witiza) who wanted to get rid of Rodrigo (this group includes Oppas, the bishop of Toledo and primate of all Spain, who happens to be the brother of the late king Witica). Ziyad, however, refuses to turn control of the region back over to the heirs of Witica. Almost the entire Iberian peninsula would come under Islamic control by 0718 CE.
      0712 – Muslim governor of Northern Africa Musa ibn Nusayr follows Tariq ibn Ziyad with an army of 18,000 as reinforcements for the conquest of Andalusia. Musa’s father had been a Catholic Yemenite studying to be a priest in Iraq when he was captured in Iraq by Khalid, the “Sword of Islam,” and forced to choose between conversion or death. This invasion of Iraq had been one of the last military orders given by Muhammed before his death.
      0714 – Birth of Pippin III (Pippin the Short) in Jupille (Belgium). Son of Charles Martel and father of Charlemagne, in 0759 Pippin would capture Narbonne, the last Muslim stronghold in France, and thereby drive Islam out of France.
      0715 – By this year just about all of Spain is in Muslim hands. The Muslim conquest of Spain only took around three years but the Christian reconquest would require around 460 years (it might have gone faster had the various Christian kingdoms not been at each other’ throats much of the time). Musa’s son, Abd el-Aziz, is left in charge and makes his capital the city of Seville, where he married Egilona, widow of king Rodrigo. Caliph Suleiman, a paranoid ruler, would have el-Aziz assassinated and sends Musa into exile in his native Yemen village to live out his days as a beggar.
      0716 – Lisbon is captured by Muslims.
      0717 – Cordova (Qurtuba) becomes the capital of Muslim holdings in Andalusia (Spain).
      0717 – Leo the Isaurian, born along the Turkish-Syrian border in the Syrian province of Commagene, revolts against the usurper Theodosius III and assumes the throne of the Byzantine Empire.
      August 15, 0717 – Second Siege of Constantinople: Taking advantage of the civil unrest in the Byzantine Empire, Caliph Sulieman sends 120,000 Muslims under the command of his brother, Moslemah, to launch the second siege of Constantinople. Another force of around 100,000 Muslims with 1,800 galleys soon arrives from Syria and Egypt to assist. Most of these reinforcements are quickly destroyed with Greek Fire. Eventually the Muslims outside Constantinople begin to starve and, in the winter, they also begin to freeze to death. Even the Bulgarians, usually hostile to the Byzantines, send a force to destroy Muslim reinforcements marching from Adrianopolis.
      August 15, 0718 – Muslims abandon their second siege of Constantinople. Their failure here leads to the weakening of the Umayyad government, in part because of the heavy losses. It is estimated that of the 200,000 soldiers who besieged Constantinople, only around 30,000 made it home. Although the Byzantine Empire also sustains heavily casualties and loses most its territory south of the Taurus Mountains, by holding the line here they prevent a disorganized and militarily inferior Europe from having to confront a Muslim invasion along the shortest possible route. Instead, the Arabic invasion of Europe must proceed along the longer path across northern Africa and into Spain, a route which prevents quick reinforcement and ultimately proves ineffective.
      0719 – Muslims attack Septimania in southern France (so named because it was the base of operations for Rome’s Seventh Legion) and become established in the region known as Languedoc, made famous several hundred years later as the center of the Cathar heresy.
      July 09,0721 – A Muslim army under the command of Al-Semah and that had crossed the Pyrenees is defeated by the Franks near Toulouse. Al-Semah is killed and his remaining forces, which had previously conquered Narbonne, are forced back across the Pyrenees into Spain.
      0722 – Battle of Covadonga: Pelayo, (0690-0737) Visigoth noble who had been elected the first King of Asturias (0718- 0737), defeats a Muslim army at Alcama near Covadonga. This is generally regarded as the first real Christian victory over the Muslims in the Reconquista.
      0724 – Hisham becomes the 10th caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty. It is under Hisham that Muslim forces make their deepest incursions into Western Europe before being stopped by Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers in 0732.
      0724 – Under the command of Ambissa, Emir of Andalusia, Muslim forces raid southern France and capture the cities of Carcassone and Nimes. Primary targets in these and other raids are churches and monasteries where the Muslims take away holy objects and enslave or kill all the clerics.
      0725 – Muslim forces occupied Nimes, France.
      0730 – Muslim forces occupy the French cities of Narbonne and
      October 10, 0732 – Battle of Tours: With perhaps 1,500 soldiers, Charles Martel halts a Muslim force of around 40,000 to 60,000 cavalry under Abd el-Rahman Al Ghafiqi from moving farther into Europe. Many regard this battle as being decisive in that it saved Europe from Muslim control. Gibbon wrote: “A victorious line of march had been prolonged above a thousand miles from the rock of Gibraltar to the banks of the Loire; the repetition of an equal space would have carried the Saracens to the confines of Poland and the Highlands of Scotland; the Rhine is not more impassable than the Nile or Euphrates, and the Arabian fleet might have sailed without a naval combat into the mouth of the Thames. Perhaps the interpretation of the Koran would now be taught in the schools of Oxford, and her pulpits might demonstrate to a circumcised people the sanctity and truth of the revelation of Muhammed.” Others, though, argue that the battle’s importance has been exaggerated. The names of Tours, Poitiers, and Charles Martel do not appear in the Arab histories. They list the battle under the name Balat al- Shuhada, the Highway of Martyrs, and is treated as a minor engagement.
      0735 – Muslim invaders capture the city of Arles.
      0737 – Charles Martel sends his brother, Childebrand, to lay siege to Avignon and drive out the Muslim occupiers. Childebrand is successful and, according to records, has all the Muslims in the city killed.
      0739 – Already having retaken Narbonne, Beziers, Montpellier, and Nimes during the previous couple of years, Childebrand captures Marseille, one of the largest French cities still in Muslim hands.
      June 08, 0741 – Death of Leo III the Isaurian, Byzantine Emperor. Leo’s tactical skills were responsible for turning back the second Arab Muslim siege of Constantinople in 0717, shortly after he was elected emperor.
      October 22, 0741.- Death of Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) in at Quierzy (today the Aisne county in the Picardy region of France). As Mayor of the Palace of the kingdom of the Franks, Charles had led a force of Christians that turned back a Muslim raiding party near Poitiers (or Tours) which, according to many historians, effectively halted the advance of Islam against Christianity in the West.
      April 04, 0742 -Birth of Charlemagne, founder of the Frankish Empire.
      0743 -Death of Hisham, 10th caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty. It was under Hisham that Muslim forces made their deepest incursions into Western Europe before being stopped by Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers in 0732.
      0750- The Arabian Nights, a compilation of stories written under the reign of the Abbasids, became representative of the lifestyle and administration of this Persian influenced government.
      0750 – 08500750 – 0850 -The Four Orthodox Schools of Islamic Law were established.
      0750 -The Abbasids assume control of the Islamic world (except Spain, which falls under the control of a descendant of the Umayyad family) and moved the capital to Baghdad in Iraq. The Abbasid Caliphate would last until 1258.
      September 0755 -Abd al-Rahman of the Umayyad dynasty flees to Spain to escape the Abbasids and would be responsible for creating the “Golden Caliphate” in Spain.
      0756 -The Emirate of Cordova is established by Umayyad refugee Abd al-Rahman I in order to revive the defeated Umayyad caliphate which had been destroyed in 0750 by the Abbasids. Cordova would become independent of the Abbasid Empire and represents the first major political division within Islam. The political and geographic isolation of the Cordova Caliphate would make it easier for Christians to decisively conquer it despite their failures elsewhere, although this would not be completed until 1492.
      0759 -Arabs lose the city of Narbonne, France, their furthest and last conquest into Frankish territory. In capturing this city Pippin III (Pippin the Short) ends the Muslim incursions in France.
      0768 -Pepin’s son, Carolus Magnus (Charlemagne), succeeded his father and became one of the most important European rulers of medieval history.
      September 24, 0768 -Death of Pippin III (Pippin the Short) at Saint Denis. Son of Charles Martel and father of Charlemagne, in 0759 Pippin captured Narbonne, the last Muslim stronghold in France, and thereby drove Islam out of France.
      0778 -Charlemagne, King of the Franks and soon-to-be Holy Roman Emperor, is invited by a group of Arab leaders in northeastern Spain to attack Abd al-Rahman I, ruler of the Emirate of Cordova. Charlemagne obliges them, but is forced to retreat after only getting as far as Saragossa. It is during his march back through the Pyrenees that his forces are set upon by Basques. Among the many who die is the war leader Roland from Breton, killed in Roncevalles, whose memory has been preserved in the “Chanson de Roland,” an important epic poem during the Middle Ages.
      0785 -The Great Mosque in Cordoba, in Muslim controlled Spain, was built.
      0787 – Danes invade England for the first time.
      0788 -Death of Abd al-Rahman I, founder of the Umayyad Emirate of Cordova. His successor is Hisham I.
      0792- Hisham I, emir of Cordova, calls for a Jihad against the infidels in Andalusia and France. Tens of thousands from as far away as Syria heed his call and cross the Pyrennes to subjugate France. Cities like Narbonne are destroyed, but the invasion is ultimately hated at Carcassone.
      0796 -Death of Hisham I, emir of Cordova. His successor is his son, al-Hakam, who would keep up the jihad against the Christians but would also be forced to contend with rebellion at home.
      0799 -The Basques rise in revolt and kill the local Muslim governor of Pamplona.
      0800 -North Africa falls under the rule of the Aghlabi dynasty of Tunis, which would last until 0909 CE.
      0800 – 12000800 – 1200 -Jews experience a “golden age” of creativity and toleration in Spain under Moorish (Muslim) rule.
      0800 -Ambassadors of Caliph Harunu r-Rashid give keys to the Holy Sepulcher to the Frankish king, thus acknowledging some Frankish control over the interests of Christians in Jerusalem.
      0801 -Vikings begin selling slaves to Muslims.
      0806 -Hien Tsung becomes the Emperor of China. During his reign a shortage of copper leads to the introduction of paper money.
      0813 -Muslims attack the Civi Vecchia near Rome.
      April 04,0814 -Death of Charlemagne, founder of the Frankish Empire.
      0816 -With the support of Moors, the Basques revolt against the Franks in Glascony.
      0822 -Death of Al-Hakam, emir of Cordova. He is succeeded by Abd al-Rahman II.
      June 0827 -Sicily is invaded by Muslims who, this time, are looking to take control of the island rather than simply taking away booty. They are initially aided by Euphemius, a Byzantine naval commander who is rebelling against the Emperor. Conquest of the island would require 75 years of hard fighting.
      0831 -Muslim invaders capture the Sicilian city of Palermo and make it their capital.
      0835 -Birth of Ahmad Ibn Tultun, founder of the Tulunid Dynasty in Egypt. Originally sent there as a deputy by the Abbasid Caliphate, Tultun will establish himself as an independent power in the region, extending his control as far north as Syria. It is under Tultun that the Great Mosque of Cairo is built.
      0838 -Muslim raiders sack Marseille.
      0841 -Muslim forces capture Bari, principle Byzantine base in southeastern Italy.
      0846 -Muslim raiders sail a fleet of ships from Africa up the Tiber river and attack outlying areas around Ostia and Rome. Some manage to enter Rome and damage the churches of St. Peter and St. Paul. Not until Pope Leo IV promises a yearly tribute of 25,000 silver coins do the raiders leave. The Leonine Wall is built in order to fend off further attacks such as this.
      0849 -Battle of Ostia: Aghlabid monarch Muhammad sends a fleet of ships from Sardinia to attack Rome. As the fleet prepares to land troops, the combination of a large storm and an alliance of Christian forces were able to destroy the Muslims ships.
      0850 -The Acropolis of Zimbabwe was built in Rhodesia.
      0850 -Perfectus, a Christian priest in Muslim Cordova, is executed after he refuses to retract numerous insults he made about the Prophet Muhammed. Numerous other priests, monks, and laity would follow as Christians became caught up in a zest for martyrdom.
      0851- Abd al-Rahman II has eleven young Christians executed in the city of Cordova after they deliberately seek out martyrdom by insulting the Prophet Muhammed.
      0852 -Death of Abd al-Rahman II, emir of Cordova.
      0858- Muslim raiders attack Constantinople.
      0859 -Muslim invaders capture the Sicilian city of Castrogiovanni (Enna), slaughtering several thousand inhabitants.
      0863 -Under Cyril (0826 – 0869) and Methodius (c. 0815 – 0885) the conversion of Moravia begins. The two brothers were sent by the patriarch of Constantinople to Moravia, where the ruler, Rostilav, decreed in 863 that any preaching done had to be in the language of the people. As a result, Cyril and Methodius developed the first usable alphabet for the Slavic tongue – thus, the Cyrillic alphabet.
      0866 Emperor Louis II travels from Germany to southern Italy to battle the Muslim raiders causing trouble there.
      0868 -The Sattarid dynasty, whose rule would continue until 0930 CE, extended Muslim control throughout most of Persia. In Egypt, the Abbasid and Umayyad caliphates ended and the Egyptian-based Tulunid dynasty took over (lasting until 904 CE).
      0869 -Arabs capture the island of Malta.
      0870- After a month-long siege, the Sicilian city of Syracuse is captured by Muslim invaders.
      0871 -King Alfred the Great of England created a system of government and education which allowed for the unification of smaller Anglo-Saxon states in the ninth and tenth centuries.
      0874 -Iceland is colonized by Vikings from Norway.
      0876 -Muslims pillage Campagna in Italy.
      0879 -The Seljuk Empire unites Mesopotamia and a large portion of Persia.
      0880 – Under Emperor Basil, the Byzantines recapture lands occupied by Arabs in Italy.
      0884- Death of Ahmad Ibn Tultun, founder of the Tulunid Dynasty in Egypt. Originally sent there as a deputy by the Abbasid Caliphate, Tultun established himself as an independent power in the region, extending his control as far north as Syria. It is under Tultun that the Great Mosque of Cairo is built.
      0884 -Muslims invading Italy burn the monastery of Monte Cassino to the ground.
      0898 -Birth of Abd al-Rahman III, generally regarded as the greatest of the Umayyad caliphs in Andalusia. Under his rule, Cordova would become one of the most powerful centers of Islamic learning and power.
      0900 -The Fatimids of Egypt conquered north Africa and included the territory as an extension of Egypt until 0972 CE.
      0900 -Mayans emigrate to the Yucatan Peninsula.
      0902 -The Muslim conquest of Sicily is completed when the last Christian stronghold, the city of Taorminia, is captured. Muslim rule of Sicily would last for 264 years.
      0905-The Tulunid Dynasty in Egypt is destroyed by an Abbasid army sent to reestablish control over the region of Egypt and Syria.
      0909 -Sicily came under the control of the Fatimids’ rule of North Africa and Egypt until 1071 CE. From 0878 until 0909 CE, their rule of Sicily was uncertain.
      0909 -The Fatimid Dynasty assumes control of Egypt. Claiming descent from Fatima, daughter of the Prophet Muhammed, and Ali bin Abi Talib, the Fatimids would rule Egypt until being overthrown by the Auyybids and Saladin in 1171.
      0911 -Muslims control all the passes in the Alps between France and Italy, cutting off passage between the two countries.
      0912- Abd al-Rahman III becomes the Umayyad Caliph in Andalusia.
      0916 -A combined force of Greek and German emperors and Italian city-states defeat Muslim invaders at Garigliano, putting Muslim raids in Italy to an end.
      0920 -Muslim forces cross the Pyrenees, enter Gascony, and reach as far as the gates of Toulouse.
      0929 -Abd al-Rahman III transforms the Emirate of Cordova into and independent caliphate no longer under even theoretical control from Baghdad.
      0935 – 0969 -The rule of Egypt was under the Ikhidid dynasty.
      0936 -The Althing, the oldest body of representative government in Europe, is established in Iceland by the Vikings.
      0939 -Madrid is recaptured from Muslim forces.
      0940 -Hugh, count of Provence, gives his protection to Moors in St. Tropez if they agree to keep the Alpine passes closed to his rival, Berenger.
      c. 0950 Catholicism becomes prevalent and dominant religion throughout Europe.
      0950 According to traditional historiography, Europe enters Dark Ages.
      0953- Emperor Otto I sends representatives to Cordova to ask Caliph Abd al-Rahman III to call off some Muslim raiders who had set themselves up in Alpine passes and are attacking merchant caravans going in and out of Italy.
      0961 -Death of Abd al-Rahman III, generally regarded as the greatest of the Umayyad caliphs in Andalusia. Under his rule, Cordova became one of the most powerful centers of Islamic learning and power. He is succeeded by Abdallah, a caliph who would kill many of his rivals (even family members) and has captured Christians decapitated if they refuse to convert to Christianity.
      0961- Under the command of general Nicephorus Phokas, the Byzantines recapture Crete from Muslim rebels who had earlier fled Cordova.
      0965 -Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus Phokas reconquers Cyprus from the Muslims.
      0965 -Grenoble is recaptured from the Muslims.
      0969 -The Fatimid dynasty (Shi’ite) takes Egypt from the Ikshidids and assumes the title of caliphate in Egypt until 1171 CE.
      0969 -Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus II Phocas reconquers Antioch (modern Antakya, capital of the province Hatay) from the Arabs.
      0972 -The Fatimids of Egypt conquer north Africa.
      0972 -The Muslims in the Sisteron district of France surrender to Christian forces and their leader asks to be baptized.
      0981- Eric the Red is exiled from Iceland and settles in a new land he called Greenland in order to attract settlers.
      0981 -Ramiro III, king of Leon, is defeated by Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir (Almanzor) at Rueda and is forced to begin paying tribute to the Caliph of Cordova.
      0985 -Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir sacks Barcelona
      0994 -The monastery of Monte Cassino is destroyed a second time by Arabs.
      0995 -Japanese literary and artistic golden age begins under Emperor Fujiwara Michinaga (ruled 0995 – 1028).
      July 03,0997 -Under the leadership of Almanzor, Muslim forces march out of the city of Cordova and head north to capture Christian lands.
      August 11, 0997 -Muslim forces under Almanzor arrive at the city of Compostela. The city had been evacuated and Almanzor burns it to the ground.
      0998 -Venice conquers the Adriatic port of Zara. The Venetians would eventually lose the city to the Hungarians and, in 1202, they offer a deal to soldiers of the Fourth Crusade: capture the city again for them in exchange for passage to Egypt.
      c. 1000-Chinese perfect the production and use of gunpowder.
      1000 -The Seljuk (Saljuq) Turkish Empire is founded by an Oghuz Turkish bey (chieftain) named Seljuk. Originally from the steppe country around the Caspian Sea, the Seljuks are the ancestors of the Western Turks, present- day inhabitants of Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.
      August 08, 1002 -Death of Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir, ruler of Al-Andalus, on the way back from raiding the Rioja region.
      1004 -Arab raiders sack the Italian city of Pisa.
      1007 -Birth of Isaac I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor. Founder of the dynasty of the Comneni, Isaac’s government reforms may have helped the Byzantine Empire last longer.
      1009 -The Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem is destroyed by Muslim armies.
      1009 -Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, founder of the Druze sect and sixth Fatimid Caliph in Egypt, orders the Holy Sepulcher and all Christian buildings in Jerusalem be destroyed. In Europe a rumor develops that a “Prince of Babylon” had ordered the destruction of the Holy Sepulcher at the instigation of the Jews. Attacks on Jewish communities in cities like Rouen, Orelans, and Mainz ensue and this rumor helps lay the basis for massacres of Jewish communities by Crusaders marching to the Holy Land.
      1009 -Sulaimann, grandson of Abd al-Rahman III, returns over 200 captured fortresses to the Castilians in return for massive shipments of food for his army.
      1012 -Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, founder of the Druze sect and sixth Fatimid Caliph in Egypt, orders the destruction of all Christian and Jewish houses of worship in his lands.
      1012 -Berber forces capture Cordova and order that half the population be executed.
      1013 -Jews are expelled from the Umayyad Caliphate of Cordova, then ruled by Sulaimann.
      1015 -Arab Muslim forces conquer Sardinia.
      1016 -The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is partially destroyed by earthquakes.
      1020 -Merchants from Amalfi and Salerno are granted permission by the Egyptian Caliph to build a hospice in Jerusalem. Out of this would eventually grow The Order of Knights of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (also known as: Knights of Malta, Knights of Rhodes, and most commonly as Knights Hospitaller).
      1021 -Caliph al-Hakim proclaimed himself to be divine and founded the Druze sect.
      1022 -Several Cathar heretics are discovered in Toulouse and put to death.
      1023 -Muslims expel the Berber rulers from Cordova and install Abd er-Rahman V as caliph.
      1025 -The power of the Byzantine Empire begins to decline.
      1026 -Richard II of Normandy leads a group of several hundred armed men on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the belief that the Day of Judgment had arrived. Turkish control of the region hampers their goals, however.
      1027 -The Frankish protectorate over Christian interests in Jerusalem is replaced by a Byzantine protectorate. Byzantine leaders begin the reconstruction of the Holy Sepulcher.
      1029- Alp Arslan, “The Lion Hero,” is born. Arslan is the son of Togrul Beg, conqueror of Baghdad who made himself ruler of the Caliphate, and great-grandson of Seljuk, founder of the Seljuk Turkish empire.
      1031 -The Moorish Caliphate of Córdoba falls.
      1031 -The emir of Aleppo has the Krak des Chevaliers contructed.
      1033 -Castile is retaken from the Arabs.
      1035 -The Byzantines make a landing in Sicily, but don’t try to recapture the island from the Muslims.
      1038 -The Seljuk Turks become established in Persia.
      1042- The rise of the Seljuk Turks begins.
      1045 – 1099 -1099 Life of Ruy Diaz de Vivar, known as El Cid (Arabic for “lord”), national hero of Spain. El Cid would become famous for his efforts to drive the Moors out of Spain. May 18, 1048 – Persian poet Umar Khayyam is born. His poem The Rubaiyat became popular in the West because of its use by Victorian Edward Fitzgerald.
      1050 – 1200 -The first agricultural revolution of Medieval Europe begins in 1050 CE with a shift to the northern lands for cultivation, a period of improved climate from 700 CE to 1200 CE in western Europe, and the widespread use and perfection of new farming devices. Technological innovations include the use of the heavy plow, the three-field system of crop rotation, the use of mills for processing cloth, brewing beer, crushing pulp for paper manufacture, and the widespread use of iron and horses. With an increase in agricultural advancements, Western towns and trade grow exponentially and Western Europe returns to a money economy.
      1050 -Duke Bohemond I (Bohemond Of Taranto, French Bohémond De Tarente), prince of Otranto (1089–1111) is born. One of the leaders of the First Crusade, Bohemond would be largely responsible for the capture of Antioch and he secures the title Prince of Antioch (1098 – 1101, 1103 – 04).
      1050 -Byzantine emperor Constantine IX Monomachos restores the complex of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.
      1054 -A famine in Egypt forces al Mustansir, 8th Fatimid caliph, to seek food and other commercial assistance from Italy and the Byzantine Empire.
      July 16,-1054 Great Schism: The Western Christian Church, in an effort to further enhance its power, had tried to impose Latin rites on Greek churches in southern Italy in 1052; as a consequence, Latin churches in Constantinople were closed. In the end, this leads to the excommunication of Michael Cerularius, patriarch of Constantinople (who in turn excommunicates Pope Leo IX). Although generally regarded as a minor event at the time, today it is treated as the final event that sealed the Great Schism between Eastern and Western Christianity.
      1055 -Seljuk Turks capture Baghdad.
      1056 -The Almoravid (al-Murabitun) Dynasty begins its rise to power. Taking the name “those who line up in defense of the faith,” this is a group of fanatical Berber Muslims who would rule North Africa and Spain until 1147.
      1061 -Roger Guiscard lands at Sicily with a large Norman force and captures the city of Masara. The Norman reconquest of Sicily would require another 30 years.
      1063 -Alp Arslan succeeds his father, Togrul Beg, as ruler of the Baghdad Caliphate and the Seljuk Turks.
      1064 -The Seljuk Turks conquer Christian Armenia.
      September 29, 1066 -William the Conqueror invades England and claims the English throne at the Battle of Hastings. Because William is both the King of England and the Duke of Normandy, The Norman Conquest fuses French and English cultures. The language of England evolves into Middle English with an English syntax and grammar and a heavily French vocabulary.
      1067 -Romanus IV Diogenes becomes the Byzantine Emperor.
      1068 -Alp Arslan invades the Byzantine Empire and is repulsed by Romanus IV Diogenes over the course of three campaigns. Not until 1070, though, would the Turks be driven back across the Euphrates river.
      1070 -Seljuk Turks capture Jerusalem from the Fatimids. Seljuk rule is not quite as tolerant as that of the Fatimids and Christian pilgrims begin returning to Europe with tales of persecution and oppression.
      1070 -Brother Gerard, a leader of the Benedictine monks and nuns who run the hospices in Jerusalem. beings to organize The Order of Knights of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (also known as: Knights of Malta, Knights of Rhodes, and most commonly as Knights Hospitaller) as a more military force for the active protection of Christian pilgrims.
      1071 -Normans conquer the last Byzantine holdings in Italy.
      1071 – 1085 -Seljuk Turks conquer most of Syria and Palestine.
      August 19, 1071 –
      Battle of Manzikert: Alp Arslan leads an army of Seljuk Turks against the Byzantine Empire near Lake Van. Numbering perhaps as many as 100,000 men, the Turks take the fortresses of Akhlat and Manzikert before Byzantine Emperor Romanus IV Diogenes can respond. Although Diogenes is able to recapture Akhlat, the siege of Manzikert fails when a Turkish relief force arrives and Andronicus Ducas, an enemy of Romanus Diogenes, refuses to obey orders to fight. Diogenes himself is captured and released, but he would be murdered after his return to Constantinople. Partly because of the defeat at Manzikert and partly due to the civil wars following the murder of Digoenes, Asia Minor would be left open to Turkish invasion. One third of Christian Lands and 51% of Christian Churches fall to Islam.
      1072 -Tancred of Hauteville is born. A grandson of Robert Guiscard and nephew of Bohemund of Taranto, Tancred would become a leader of the First Crusade and eventually regent of the Principality of Antioch.
      December 15, 1072 -Malik Shah I, son of Alp Arslan, succeeds his father as Seljuk Sultan.
      1073 -Seljuk Turks conquer Ankara.
      July 1074 -El Cid marries Jimena, niece of Alfonso IV of Castile and daughter of the Count of Oviedo.
      1076 -First recorded execution in England by the ax: the Earl of Huntingdon.
      1078 -Seljuk Turks capture Nicaea. It would change hands three more times, finally coming under control of the Turks again in 1086.
      1079 -Battle of Cabra: El Cid led his troops to a rout of Emir Abd Allah of Granada.
      1080 -Order of the Hospital of St. John is founded in Italy. This special order of knights was dedicated to guarding a pilgrim hospital, or hostel, in Jerusalem.
      1080 -An Armenian state is founded in Cilicia, a district on the southeastern coast of Asia Minor (Turkey), north of Cyprus, by refugees feeling the Seljuk invasion of their Armenian homeland. A Christian kingdom located in the midst of hostile Muslim states and lacking good relations with the Byzantine Empire, “Armenia Minor” would provide important assistance to Crusaders from Europe.
      1081 – 1118 -Alexius I Comnenus is Byzantine emperor.
      1081 -El Cid, now a mercenary because he had been exiled by Alfonso IV of Castile, enters the service of the Moorish king of the northeast Spanish city of Zaragosa, al- Mu’tamin, and would remain there for his successor, al- Mu’tamin II.
      1082 -Ibn Tumart, founder of the Amohad Dynasty, is born in the Atlas mountains.
      1084 -Seljuk Turks conquer Antioch, a strategically important city.
      October 25, 1085 -The Moors are expelled from Toledo, Spain, by Alfonso VI.
      October 23, 1086 -Battle of Zallaca (Sagrajas): Spanish forces under Alfonso VI of Castile are defeated by the Moors and their allies, the Almorivids (Berbers from Morocco and Algeria, led by Yusef I ibn Tashufin), thus preserving Muslim rule in al-Andalus. The slaughter of Spaniards was great and Yusef refused to abide by his agreement to leave Andalusia in the hands of the Moors. His intention was actually to make Andalusia an African colony ruled by the Almorivids in Morocco.
      1087 -After his crushing defeat at Zallaqa, Alfonso VI swallows his pride and recalls El Cid from exile.
      September 13, 1087- Birth of John II Comnenus, Byzantine emperor.
      1088 -Patzinak Turks begin forming settlements between the anube and the Balkans.
      March 12, 1088 -Urban II is elected pope. An active supporter of the Gregorian reforms, Urban would become responsible for launching the First Crusade.
      1089 -Byzantine forces conquer the island of Crete.
      1090 -Yusuf Ibn Tashfin, King of the Almoravids, captures Granada.
      1091 -The Normans recapture Sicily from the Muslims.
      1091 – Cordova (Qurtuba) is captured by the Almoravids.
      1092 -After the death of Seljuk Sultan (al-sultan , “the power”) Malik Shah I, the capital of the Seljuks is moved from Iconjium to Smyrna and the empire itself dissolves into several smaller states.
      May 1094-El Cid captures Valencia from the Moors, carving out his own kingdom along the Mediterranean that is only nominally subservient to Alfonso VI of Castile. Valencia would be both Christian and Muslim, with adherents of both religions serving in his army.
      August 1094 -The Almoravids from Morocco land near Cuarte and lay siege to Valencia with 50,000 men. El Cid, however, breaks the siege and forces the Amoravids to flee – the first Christian victory against the hard-fighting Africans.
      November 18, 1095 -Pope Urban II opens the Council of Clermont where ambassadors from the Byzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus, asking help against the Muslims, were warmly received.
      These were the ‘political’ (criminal muslim) foundations laid for the first “organized” Christian response to Jihad:

      the First Crusade.
      These facts are taken from multiple open sources.

    The Real History of the Crusades

    February 7, 2015
    A series of holy wars against Islam led by power-mad popes and fought by religious fanatics? Think again.

    How & Why Obama Destroys the Middle Class

    February 3, 2015

    FOIA request reveals ‘shadow’ work permit system not authorized by law adding millions to labor force

    By Thomas Lifson

    In a stunning report based on data obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, The Center for Immigration Studies has revealed that the Obama administration has been flooding the United States with work permits not authorized by law for millions of people.

    Government data reveal that about 5.5 million new work permits were issued to aliens from 2009 to 2014, above and beyond the number of new green card and temporary worker admissions in those years. This is a huge parallel immigrant work authorization system outside the limits set by Congress that inevitably impacts opportunities for U.S. workers, damages the integrity of the immigration system, and encourages illegal immigration.

    On the one hand, the Obama administration drives down wages, particularly for the lower end of the education spectrum, while on the other hand it blames capitalism and Republicans for the rise in income inequality.  It is a hypocritical con game of the highest order.  Marxist Hegelians call it “heightening the contradictions.”  It is not a new game; in fact, it is one that communist agitators have used for a century and a half.  But it has never, as far as I know, been played by a United States president before.Ryan Lovelace notes in NRO’s The Corner:

    The remarkable number of work permits granted by the federal government to law-breaking aliens better explains how all net jobs growth since 2007 has gone to immigrants.

    The sheer numbers found by the CIS are spectacular:

    Approximately 1.8 million new work permits were issued to aliens with temporary visas or those who entered under the Visa Waiver Program. Of these, about 1.2 million (67 percent) had a visa status for which employment is not authorized by law. For example, more than 470,000 work permits were issued to aliens on tourist visas and 532,000 were issued to foreign students. More than 156,000 were issued to dependents of students and guestworkers, all in categories not authorized for employment by law.

    In addition, 963,000 new work permits were issued to aliens who have been granted permanent status or have a status that will lead to a green card. These are primarily refugees (418,000), fiancés of U.S. citizens (164,000), and approved asylum applicants (174,000).

    About 982,000 new work permits were issued in this time period to illegal aliens or aliens unqualified for admission. Of these, 957,000 were aliens who crossed the border illegally (Entered Without Inspection). Inexplicably, 1,200 new work permits were issued to aliens who were denied asylum, were suspected of using fraudulent documents, were stowaways, or were refused at a port of entry.

    A huge number of work permits, 1.7 million, were issued to aliens whose status was unknown, not recorded by the adjudicator, or not disclosed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the agency that processes the applications. This should be a concern; work permits are gateway documents to driver’s licenses and other benefits, and if the government agency issuing them does not know or will not disclose how the bearer arrived in the country how can others rely on the authenticity of an individual’s identity? It is equally disconcerting if the government does know and chooses not to disclose it.

    You can count on the so-called “civil rights” leaders like Sharpton to completely ignore the impact of millions of job entrants on the wages available to African-Americans.  And you probably won’t be seeing much on the subject on NBC Nightly News, either.


    February 1, 2015

    By Karen Schoen

    Fellow Americans:


    It’s Venezuela, All Over Again….


    Did you ever wonder why, when your favorite legislator gets into office…



    Nothing Changes?!


    There are so many reasons. Basically it is because CIVICS was

    REMOVED from Schools, ON PURPOSE!


                     Why? An educated populace requires more from their Government.

    Keeping you ignorant is the goal of American education. But if you are ignorant of how government works, is your Legislators?  Are they?  Sadly they are. 


    My opponent, Brad Drake (R), now Representative – thinks America is a Democracy.

    Several Florida legislators think that if the Federal government says JUMP, they must. After all, the Feds make the Law of the land. Or do they?
    They could not be more wrong. We live in a Representative Constitutional Republic… where Delegates are elected by the people to represent the people and all people protected by the same law – the constitution. 






    The people created the State Government.  The separate and sovereign STATES got together, and signed a CONTRACT…called The Constitution.


    Every state agreed to live under the same Rule of Law –



    The Constitution. 


    The states never agreed to give up their Sovereignty.


    What went on in their state they would govern. States could have different laws…but individuals could move freely among the variety of states – until they found one with the laws they agreed with.


    They agreed to let the Federal Government control 4, and only 4 – Categories: 

    National Security, Money, Naturalization, Commerce. 


    They broke these categories into 18 SPECIFIC TASKS or AREAS. AND THAT WAS IT! 


    They defined all other categories and tasks as belonging to the PEOPLE in their respective STATES.  The people gave their permission. The People are the creators and the Government is the created. 


    This Federal Government only had power in DC, not in the individual states.


    The Government of United States� is one of limited powers. It can exercise authority oveer no subjects, except those which have been delegated to it.”  (Mayor of New Orleans v United States, 10Pet. 662,736).


    It is not only impossible, illogical but also unconstitutional – for the Created to Rule the Creator. 

    So where did it go WRONG?







    At the turn of the century around the early 1900’s, the Power Brokers, the men of theses families: (Vanderbilt’s, Rockefeller’s, Roosevelt, Carnegie, Bush, to name a few) that made a fortune creating and innovating new products for America realized:


    IF they wanted to keep their fortunes, and grow their fortunes beyond imagination, they must work together to ELIMINATE COMPETITION.


    Using their success for EVIL, they began to strip away and separate Government from the people.


    Remember:  Communication at that time was primarily by

    Paper, Word of mouth, and the Telegraph.







    They used money to buy the government, bribe the people, get corrupt politicians to look the other way – and began to create AGENCIES (unconstitutional, per Article 4 Section 4) that would answer ONLY TO THEM, while making rules to SUPPRESS THE PEOPLE.
    Lincoln said:  “Whatever is in school today will be in government tomorrow.” 


    School was the answer.  Our founders knew and educated populace was the only thing to control tyranny.  Educated people would never let lies and deception cloud their decisions. By omitting civics and historical information, the people would gradually become IGNORANT.


    How did they keep the people ignorant?  That was easy.  Don’t tell the people, they wont know and won’t remember their Rights. Common Core and the deliberate dumbing of the Nation is just a new name for an old ideology.


    By 1965, they completed their task of changing one of the best Educational Systems from FACT to VALUE…and America was on the path to gradual decline.  In the 1960’s America ALWAYS scored in the top 10 worldwide.  Today we can barely scrape above 25th place.  2014 we are 28th.


    Today people, when asked – are willing to give up their Bill of Rights and suspend the constitution. REALLY? You don’t believe me?



    VIDEO: AMERICANS WANT OBAMA TO REPEAL THE BILL OF RIGHTS Respondents blithely agree that liberties should be completely eviscerated in the name of fighting ISIS


    UN SEEKS TO CRIMINALIZE FREE SPEECH, CITING “HUMAN RIGHTS” The dictator-dominated global body is waging a full-blown assault on free-speech rights


    Judge Napolitano on How Government is Violating Natural Rights


    Constitutional Crisis :The government is taking away our constitutional rights at every turn. Will the constitution even be relevant anymore? Will we turn into a dictatorship or Monarchy by the end of this decade.


    16 Ways the Supreme Court Built the Police State and Destroyed Your Rights


    They did not stop there. Their plan was HUGE IN SCOPE. 


    The PLAN intended to encompass every aspect of American Society. 


    After all, you can’t have individuals running around saying, “I can do what I want, I can invent, create, and innovate.”  What if they created something better? 

    First the facts
    The Constitution is a Trust Indenture.


    (Indenture of trust is a document containing the terms and conditions governing a trustee’s conduct and the trust beneficiaries’ rights.) 


    There is no such thing as power of inherent Sovereignty in the government of the United States. In this country, sovereignty resides in the People, and Congress can exercise no power which they have not, by their constitution entrusted to it. All else is withheld.” Julliard v Greenman 110 U.S. 421



    “ governments are but trustees acting under derived authority and have no power to delegate what is NOT DELIGATED to them.  But the people, as the original fountain might take away what they have delegated and entrust to whom they please. �The sovereignty in every state residdes in the people of the state and my alter and change their form of government at their own pleasure.” Luther v Borden, 48 US 1, 12L.Ed. 581


    A Delegate (your representative or senator) CANNOT delegate: an agent cannot delegate his functions to a subagent without the knowledge or consent of the principal; the person to whom an office or duty is delegated can not lawfully devolve the duty on another, unless he be expressly authorized to do so” 9 Coke, 77; Broom, Max. 840; 2 Kent, Comm. 633; 2 Steph com 119
    “A delegated power cannot be again delegated.” 2Inst; Black’s, 2d. 347: 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1300

    “A Deputy cannot have or appoint a deputy.”  Story, Ag. S.13; 9 Coke, 77; 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1936



    Or UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YOUK, UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT, or any Department of Energy, Education, Interior, Agriculture, Natural Resources as NOTHING  belongs to the Federal government. EVERYTHING belongs to the individual soverign people through their respective states.
    The UN-Authorized Corporations are all Ultra Vires: An act performed without any authority to act on subject. This is prohibited!  People ex rel. Barrett v Bank of Peoria, 295 ILL. App543 15 N. E.2d 333,335. 


    Act is ultra vires when corporation is without authority to perform it under any circumstances or for any purpose. Ultra vires act of municipality is one which is beyond powers conferred upon it by law. Charles v Town of Jeanerette, Inc, LA. App., 234 So 2d 94,798.” Blacks Law Dictionary 6th edition page 1522.
    Licenses, permits, fees are excise taxes. Bouvier’s Law Dictionary 1843 Edition, volume 2 page 53.


    Statutes in place due to the United Nations Programs ARE NOT AUTHORIZED.  “judges who become involved in enforcement of mere statutes (civil or criminal) act as mere “clerks” of the involved agency. K.C. Davis, ADMIN. LAW, Ch1 (CTP. West’s 1965 Ed.)
    An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the government.”   Brookfield Const. Co v. Stewart, 284F Supp. 94



    Attorneys are part of the Judicial System.  This past week on the Factor, O’Rielly made the statement, “Attornies are part of the judicial system.”  Remember that.


    Article II Section 3 of the Florida Constitution: The Powers of the State Government shall be divided into Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches.

    No person belonging to one branch shall exercise any powers appertaining to either of the other branches…unless expressly provided herein


    IN OTHER WORDS, if you are an attorney, you work for the judicial branch. YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE to be a legislator. Currently there are over 40 unconstitutional legislators in the Florida government making unconstutional laws which CAN NOT be enforced.
    These attorneys act under the “Color of Law. � Mere >semblance of a Legal Right.

    An action done under the colour of law is unenforceable.
    The ABA has REWRITTEN THE CONSTITUTION… and because you never had a meaningful CIVICS class, you are Doomed before you start!  They call it case law.  They will always find a case to refer to with a decision made by an unconstitutional justice to mak esure the outcome is in their favor. Obamacare is a prime example. Whistleblowers have reported blackmail, bribery, murder, fraud, lies and fear to get their way.


    Agenda 21 calls for the Nationalization of Industry, calling Capitalists the ENEMY.  The ABA re wrote the laws on Public Private Partnership in order to pretend they are constitutional.


    What better way to take over an industry than to have ABA attornies become legislators and change the law. Public-Private Partnerships (PPP, or 3P’s) once unconstitutional as per Florida State Constitution:  Article 7 – Section 10:
    SECTION 10.Pledging credit. Neither the state nor any county, school district, municipality, special district, or agency of any of them, shall become a joint owner with, or stockholder of, or give, lend or use its taxing power or credit to aid any corporation, association, partnership or person;


    are now OK. Public-Private Partnership Concessions for Highway Projects, Charter Schools, Ports and more. It does not matter what they think.  “If a law is unconstitutional it is void,”  Marbry v Madison 1807Unconstuitutional laws can not be enforced.





    The United Nations calls for Public Private Partnerships as the gradual way to nationalize industry.  Johannesberg Accord aka Johannesberg Implementation Plan, pages 108-109.


    ABA writes statutes making it necessary to have PPP. 


    ABA legislators pass the UNCONSTITUTIONAL STATUTES, Like 334.30 or HB 87.


    Government sets BONDS so high, only the large Corporate donors can apply.


    Many projects become “no bid” contracts from ” We Milk It Forever Contracting.” .


    Taxpayer money is given to Corporations, many International Corporations and… you wonder why there are no jobs. 


    These Corporations in FL control the TOLLS. In the end – the TAXPAYER pays and pays and pays.  Not all PPP’s are bad and cheat taxpayers…but that doesn’t matter because – PPP’s ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL.


    Why?  When the government owns an industry, regulations are often political to favor one company (a donor) over another.  This eliminates competition so we may never get the best product.  The industry then gets favors from government like permits, moving up to the front of the line, contracts, subsidies like in solar.  Then the legislators often manipulate the market with rumors of inspections, investigation, audits, slandar etc. all so bet on the success or failure of those industries and become billionaires at our expense. 


    How?  Because the ABA writes statutes to protect them.  Who is your attorney working for?

    Read the links below.

    The LINKS as found on their web sites below, the American Bar Association (ABA) ties Sustainable Developments to UN Agenda 21.


    The goal of Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development is to ELIMINATE PRIVATE PROPERTY, as stated in the preamble of UN Habitat:


    UN Habitat stated: “Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole.”





    By supporting SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT –  the ABA is working AGAINST the US Constitution and the American People.


    By writing these laws, the ABA gives teeth and credibility to the Unconstitutional Agencies.


    The ABA members then get elected to offices, or work as lobbyists then write and draft legislation to FAVOR the unconstitutional agencies, and pass legislations to fund these agencies…


    Using this phony legislation

    favoring their donors and themselves –





    Children, Land, Homes, and Businesses…



     and TONS of Money!!




    US Constitution, Article 1 Section 10: prohibits States from making a treaty/or following programs of a foreign entity.  International Law nor TREATIES, or EXECUTIVE ORDERS DO NOT TRUMP the CONSTITUTION.  (This includes the UN) Sustainability programs are based on phony computer models created by unconstitutional statutes by unconstutional agencies.
    REGIONAL COUNCILS and NGO’s pushing this plan are Unconstitutional, as per the US Constitution Article 4 Section 4 – Guaranteeing every American the RIGHT to Elected officials who make LAWS – NOT Bureaucrats…making REGULATIONS!


    AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION REPORTS TO HOUSE OF DELEGATES (SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA 21) That the American Bar Association reaffirms its 1991 commitment to sustainable development, and adopts the internationally accepted concept of sustainable development, as recognized at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 and subsequent international conferences: simultaneous achievement of environmental protection, economic development, social development, and peace, for present and future generations.






    American Bar Association (ABA) President James Silkenat established the Task Force to review and make recommendations on the involvement of the ABA in implementing sustainable development matters throughout the world.




    The Rio+20 Conference adopted a report entitled The Future We Want


    The report is a common vision on how SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES are managed by United Nations member entities and related organizations. 

    The United Nations senior leadership made it abundantly clear that implementation of The Future We Want report is IMPERATIVE, and that ABA lawyers MUST play a strong role in the field.

    In summary, you go to school. Instead of learning about the Constitution…Your Rights and Freedoms…American Civics…How Laws work…How to Read and Interpret…How to calculate finances so you can make wise decisions and not be cheated…


    You learn INSTEAD to follow the LIES about Sustainability, and to meekly comply with the UNITED NATIONS. 



    Thank you, American Bar Association. THANKS A LOT.


    Now you that you know,



    In Liberty,


    Karen Schoen

    Neil Rice

    Sherry Smart